두 개의 햄버거 사진. 얼핏 보기에는 큰 차이가 없다. 영국 일간 데일리 매일이 공개한 이 사진은 실제로 맥도날드의 해피밀 세트 하나를 1년간의 시차를 놓고 찍은 것이다. 충격적인 것은 빵과 고기 패트가 쭈글쭈글 해진 것을 제외하고는 거의 변화가 없다는 사실이다. 자신의 집에서 이 실험을 한 미국인 조앤 브루소는 “창문을 열어놓고 방치 해 두었는데, 파리나 벌레들이 이 해피밀 세트에 접근하지 않았다”고 한다. 영양사인 그녀는 지나치게 많은 방부제가 들어가 있기 때문이라고 한다. 실제로 이 신문에 따르면, 빵과 피클 등에는 염화나트륨, 브롬산나트륨 등 방부제가 검출되었으며, 튀김감자에도 색을 보존하는 첨가물이 들어있다고 한다. "이래서 정크 푸드라고 부르는 것이다"라고 브루소는 말했다.
You might not want to eat hamburger any more if you see the pictures here. The two McDonald’s Happy Meals look pretty much identical.
In fact, this is the same meal, photographed 12 months apart, according to the Daily Mail. It says the McDonald’s meal shows few signs of decaying apart from the beef patty shriveling.
Joann Bruso, the American nutritionist who took these photographs, left the Happy Meal uncovered on a shelf at her home to see what would happen, according to the report.
Astonishingly, she said no flies or other insects were attached to the food during the year-long experiment, the report added.
She claimed it is because the food contains so many preservatives that are bad for the children aimed at.
“Food is supposed to decompose, go bad and smell foul eventually. The fact that it has not decomposed shows you how unhealthy it is for children,”the paper said.
Research showed the bun has several preservatives such as calcium and sodium propionate, while the pickle slice has the preservative sodium benzoate, Daily Mail said.
And the fries, which Mrs Bruso said were still golden brown after a year, contain citric acid and sodium acid pyrophosphate, which maintains their color, according to the report.
“Now you know why it's called junk food,” Bruso was quoted as saying.